Professor John FahyAn award winning international educator, John Fahy is currently Professor of Marketing at the University of Limerick in Ireland and Adjunct Professor of Marketing at the University of Adelaide, Australia. He has a distinguished track record in the fields of marketing and business strategy. In particular, he is known for his work in the area of marketing resources and capabilities and how these factors impact on organisational performance. He is a founder member of the MC21 group that has conducted research on this issue across 15 countries. An eclectic thinker, his work draws on insights from marketing strategy, behavioural economics, evolutionary psychology and neuroscience. Other current research interests include customer value, evolutionary perspectives on marketing and strategic decision making.
He is the author of over 100 articles on marketing and strategy that have been published in leading titles includingJournal of Marketing, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Management, European Journal of Marketing, International Business Review and Sloan Management Review. His best known work – a Journal of Marketing article on sustainable competitive advantage has been cited over 2,000 times and a recent European Journal of Marketing article has been one of the most cited works in that journal. He is also the winner of several major international research awards such as the AMA Services Marketing Paper of the Year Award and the Chartered Institute of Marketing Best Paper Award at the Academy of Marketing Annual Conference.
Professor Fahy is also a renowned teacher with a particular expertise in working with MBA and executive groups and he was awarded the prestigious Shannon Consortium Teaching Excellence Award in 2012. His skills have been in demand around the world and he has taught in Australia, Japan, Hungary, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, United Kingdom and the United States. His marketing strategy course is the top ranked course on the Adelaide MBA. He has been extensively involved in both open and in-company programmes in Ireland and the UK and has worked with several leading organisations including AbbVie, Cancer Council SA, Glanbia, Pfizer, Syngenta, Vodafone and Zurich Insurances. He is also the author of two books including the best selling Foundations of Marketing co-written with David Jobber which is now in its sixth edition and has been translated into Chinese, Greek, Spanish and Serbian. He is also the author of several award-winning business case studies.
Professor Fahy holds a Masters Degree from Texas A&M University, a Doctorate from Trinity College and his other passions include family, music, sport, food and travel.